La Chimenea
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Many thanks to Western Horseman Magazine for featuring us in their April 2007 issue
We are honored to be the first ranch in Mexico accepted into the American Quarter Horse Association's Ranching Heritage Breeders program.

Our Horses

We raise horses primarily to work on our cattle ranching operation. Ranching in our part of the world is rustic, with our cowboys typically riding two half-day circles from headquarters or camp. Our horses are ridden – rather than trailered – to and from even the furthest pastures. They cover country in tough weather, and across diverse geography, footing, and vegetation; and, they must do so in a manner that is comfortable and safe for our crews. Forward movement and stamina are must-haves for our horses, as are the size and athleticism to – when necessary, and sometimes after a long day – catch, rope, and hold the brahma-cross cattle our environment and clients demand. And we like our horses to be pretty. 

So, we strive to breed for horses that are conformationally correct; athletic; sound and healthy; that have good minds, plenty of size and athletic ability; that are fun to ride, can get a full day's work done on the ranch, and that are attractive to look at from the ground or saddle. We are firm believers in the value of linebreeding, then crossing differently-line-bred individuals to enable hybrid vigor as part of a planned breeding program. Our horse babies are born and raised outside in the late winter or spring, where they learn to cover country, make their way through hills, rocks, heavy brush, and across rivers, and develop the bone, minds, and muscle that will be required of them to be sound horses later in life. This same management also keeps our riding and breeding age horses healthy, sound, and happy. Though we handle our young horses frequently and they are friendly, people loving animals, we rarely keep horses inside. Most of our mares and stallions are riding horses. 

Our horses' pedigrees include a cross section of quarter horse disciplines, with some of the industry's standout individuals of racing, cow, all-around, and perforance-type halter fame. Most of our horses are listed on AllBreedPedigree to enable in-depth pedigree research. 

Specific information about our stallions is available on our Stallion Page.

Horse Sales

Some of our young horses are for sale, as are select geldings, mares and the occasional stallion prospect. If you are interested in any of our horses, in particular, please contact us, even if that horse is not specifically shown as available for sale.

We include the entire import procedure into the U.S. - with delivery in Tucson, AZ - on all sales to U.S. customers. We occasionally have a horse or two for sale staged in Arizona.